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Besides the simple turning operation as described above, lathe can be used to carry out other operations also, such as drilling, reaming, boring, taper turning, Engine Lathes. (1) General. The engine lathe is intended for general purpose lathe work and is the usual lathe found in the machine shop. The function of Lathe is to remove the metal in the form of chips from a piece of work by mounting the same rigidly on a machine spindle and revolving at the Working of Lathe machine The operator first loosens up the jaws of the chuck, inserts the workpiece, and then tightens it up firmly with theinclined to the axis it produces a taper surface and is called taper turning. Page 11. Working principle of lathe. It holds the work between two supports The basic function of the Lathe machine is to remove the material from the surface of the workpiece by the usage of cutting tools providing the necessary amount A lathe machine is a machine tool that removes the undesired material from a rotating workpiece in the form of chips with the help of a tool that is traversed The cutting tool is feed into the work piece, which rotates about its own axis, causing the work piece to be formed to the desired shape. ® Lathe machine is
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